Ferulorum(V-0.1.06) Final Leg

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I've included a picture of Hisoka eating his own arm in this update  to reflect my mental state (this is tradition now) I'm eager for what lies ahead I don't think Ferulorum will get and sales (one good review would blow away expectations) but something about approaching the finish line and knowing all the things I want to do next and all the skills /knowledge I've gained has me hungry.

This week's progress was neither good nor bad unfortunately there were a lot of distractions, but I still managed to get some stuff done, I fixed lots of bugs, worked on the stockpile, made good progress on the shop, added all the hero's alternate sprites, started working on the level up system and worked on the save system a little. 

Right now the game is probably 90%  done  yet the final leg of this race is really stretching many of the mistakes I've made earlier on are taking their tole, some of them programming related but I'm also being punished for poor game design decisions that I made. The main one being balancing the dungeons, on my next project one thing is certain there will only be one enemy and one player class until all of the other systems have been completed because trying to figure out a way to make it so that 12 hero classes can get through five dungeons in a fair but challenging way while also having lots of random generation is hampering progress greatly, and while I'm doing my best I think this might be unfixable completely at this point.

So on that note next week will be all about balance, polish, bug fixing, sound effects, player qol, and tying up loose ends in systems. Since all the major stuff is done things will be pretty boring for the rest of this project as far as I can tell, all I can do is try my best and hope a few people appreciate what I've created.

So I hope you all had a good week and hope next week is even better for whatever reason I'm optimistic right now (rare!)

Change Log

Version 0.1.06


-readjusting all hero stats again

-all forest enemies health increased 

-all the level up panels now turn off when you leave the dungeon


-panels should now appear only when heroes level up

-first pass setting up level up panels


-made 5 panels and 5 text objects

-all the heroes just get +1 to all stats for now

-added a function for leveling heroes

-dungeon path now resets when you return to town


-stockpile now holds 36 items maximum 

-changed the way items are created

-plowed snow and worked from 5 am to 1 pm going to do what I can


-adjusting stockpile size

-counter shown under items on dungeon complete

-added counter for gold collected in dungeon


- at the end of dungeon items line themselves up 

-day counter increases whenever you go to the dungeons

-added day counter text, put it next to gold

-bug wrong class showing[fixed]

-bug noticed some sprites are clipping (misplaced sprite on atlas will fix later)

-alternate sprites now show in dungeon

-alternate sprites now show in town and UI

-hero alternate sprites are in (not used yet)


-trying to decide where to put this in the UI

-if exp get to 4 they level up and exp resets

-if hero is on team when dungeon is completed they get one exp

-heros now have a level and exp

Get Ferulorum (Beta build)

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