Ferulorum(V-0.1.07) Time To Grind


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this week will have only one image, a meme of Sisyphus endlessly rolling the stone  and having learned to love the labor. (he's just like me)

I swore that I would not bother trying to do the save system a smarter way and would just do it the hard way that I know works, I broke and waisted a bunch of time trying to figure it out again (didn't work) the fist thing I'm doing on the next project is the save system.

I spent a lot of time this week fixing bugs and trying to bring lose ends together very little I can show but this is important drudge work that must be done.

Next week is more of the same the most interesting things I will try to get done are the end game which will just be still images with text telling you won and had a happily ever after and id like to get a bunch of sound effects in.

So this is a short update a bit of silence before the storm while I've been expecting putting this on steam to be a nonevent, I did put A lot of love and work into Ferulorum so I think it will be kind of sad to put it out and move on  but I cant make it better unless I'm a better dev and I wont become a better dev without making more games.

Thats it for this one hope you all had a good week and hopefully next week is even better

Change Log

Version 0.1.07


-working on save system

-recorded some sound effects

-changed item drop chance


-every level button now leads to its designated level

-each of the final levels now has a different stage of the final boss

-final levels should now re lock once beaten 

-final levels should now unlock in order

-3 final dungeons now have there own type


-final three boss dungeons are set up they will need something to make them special 

-all five of the castle levels are set up 

-all five of the old battlefield levels are set up

-all five cave levels set up

-fixed some spelling errors

-all five first levels can now be set

-working on level button functionality 


-final level buttons are set up just need to be given actions 

-the second and third final level unlock in order

-the first of the three final levels will unlock after 20 levels have been beaten hopefully this adds some strategy to the game since there's 25 normal levels

-started making buttons for final level

-resized and adjusted all buttons

-fifth hero button in and working


-fifth button is in and seems to work

-started on making an extra hero for higher button

-added a counter that tracks levels completed will be used to unlock last dungeon

-all castle enemies now weak to magic damage and have high dodge and hit chance


-right now all enemies have rudimentary scaling on all stats may change this

-most abandoned town enemies now pierce armor and damage lowered 

-all old battle field enemies attack and speed raised defence and health lowered 

-all caves enemies defence increased health decreased

-all forest enemies stats changed


-commented each enemy for organizational purposes (will help balance a lot soon)

-all castle enemies weak to magic attacks now also gave them a dodge chance boost

-castle town level one enemies all have piercing and low damage

-heros with piercing should  be able to kill them in one or two shots

-level one old battlefield enemies now have 0 defense, lowered health, raised attack and speed

-the giant limus boss now has 60 health

-level one cave enemies now have 4 deterrence and lowered health and attack

Get Ferulorum (Beta build)

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