Ferulorum (Its Been A Long Road)

In the last devlog I did for Ferulorum I think I said the game would be done quickly, that was a year ago

so what happened...

 long story short I was using Unity and ran into a bug that required me to uninstall and reinstall Unity to fix the bug and at the same time the monetization drama happened. And those two issues combined with Unity seeming to fight me whenever I tried to do anything was the last straw. The plan was always to try going lower level after Ferulorum was done but I snapped and deleted Unity, so what have learned?

I taught myself C++ and SDL2  :3

I wont lie it was pretty rough at first and I would say that the time that I spent with Unity actually didn't teach me how to program (just use Unitys systems)- but now I am finally making some progress and honestly I'm at a point now where I'm pretty confidant I can make anything I want, its just a question of time.

So for Ferulorum

I would say it is in an alpha state where you can see the form of the game but the full loop is not there and its definitely not polished. I've added music, settled on an art style, made lots of sprites for enemy's, portraits for males and females, got items working, and most importantly I have a clear idea of what I have to do.

Ive also come up with a logo inspired by the Ultima logo (im unironically very proud of how good it looks)

so the plan is to make combat better, make hero progression better, layout level selection, put in a final boss (i designed him already), and add lots of atmosphere.

I have no idea if people will read this or if the game will make money when its done, but ive decided I wont give up as long as im alive so remember this devlog when i make it the inspirational value will be sky high (ive been applying to jobs all year to a dying accountant and a plumbers union dint even want me lololololol) - I have a finance degree LMAO

I think I might start making one of these once a month so see you later!

my twitter for daily updates-



Ferulorum.zip 38 MB
Nov 24, 2024

Get Ferulorum (Beta build)

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