Ferulorum(V-0.0.6) Basic Sound Effects

As usual it was a pretty rough week but progress on Ferulorum continues at a steady pace I've added some screenshots incase anyone wants to see how the sausage is made. The two with lots of yellow/orange text is me adding background info to the monsters, in the other one the green text was all replaced with the code above it.

I also changed the floor tile sprites again (not for the last time) and made them much darker - I finger its easier on the eyes and adds more contrast killing two birds or whatever.

as the title of this devlog says I put the first two sound effects in made from me flicking a piece of Styrofoam, I'm not sure if these will be the final sounds but for the first two I think they already add a little bit more feeling to stuff. 

I really do think  do think that my next goal should be dungeons and combat I tried making an attempt at it today but fail horribly, This is where the strategy and fun should come from if I do it right so I think I'll do one more little UI addition backup my code (prepare for the worse) and  attack it this week.

hope you all are doing good with whatever - remember there's no giving up allowed 

Change Log:

Just fixed a very dumb bug i made causing random crashes

Making improvements to dungeon generation (hard lol,my old code is so bad)

Added more info and flavor text for enemies

Hover effect now works on every button

Click sound effect works on every panel and button

Renamed some of the song files that had weird names

First basic sound effects are in !!!


Made custom mouse curser

Working on sound effect system might just be working


Can now pause movement and combat in the dungeon

Names and flavor text done for 15 enemies


Started inputting enemy names and stats 

Every dungeon of every level has had its enemies set up this will need to be tweaked later 

Castle enemies set up

Abandoned town enemies set up

Old battlefield enemies set up

Cave enemies are set

Made a change to if statements to cut down on amount of checks in this system by like 80%

First five levels of the forest have enemies set

I can now control which enemies show up in the first dungeon


Replaced all floor tiles new ones are much better

Slowly changing dungeon system removing lots of old code


Made some more items

Gold text is in

Reworking art style of floor tiles i feel they have to much color making them distracting 

Thought of a way to fix how dungeons are set up not enough time to implement it before work


Started implementing gold

Working on fixing state changes

Fixed collision box on tavern


FerulorumV-0.0.6_zip.zip 39 MB
95 days ago

Get Ferulorum (Beta build)

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