Its An Auto-Battler, Ferulorum(V0.0.7)

lots and lots of work done this week, if nothing goes wrong soon it will be time to call it beta!

First things first I figured out what genre the game is and its a auto- battler, obviously I played games with this kind of hands off combat long ago but didn't know it had a real name. This probably doesn't seem very useful but it helps me to explain what the game is to people in a more succinct way, also if I had found this out earlier I could have learned some lessons from other games while in development (its locked in now lol).

As I said in last weeks devlog my number one priority is the combat, and while it doesn't seem like it because of how many things im trying to feed and tie into the system progress is being made. I think that by the end of this new week I should have dodges, missed attacks, and all the hero's special move put in. I've already added in the armor system, hero's getting knocked out at 0 hp, and the Clinicus classes heal ability.

The hope is that the challenge of the game comes from taking your randomly generated hero's and sending them to the optimal dungeon to advance the game, balancing this is going to be difficult as I want to punish the player pretty harshly for sending hero's to the wrong dungeon while making it so the proper dungeon is just barley beatable.

The design of the game is not meant to be hardcore and I want the player to get attached to their little hero's  so there wont be any deaths just knockouts like in pokemon.

In other big news the steam page is being reviewed and should be approved this week so pretty soon ill be begging for Wishlist. I think ill also start making these devlogs much bigger and try to explain my thought process behind my design decisions.

But that's enough for this week I hope it was good for you, there was some depressing news in my town this week so as a reminder never stop fighting.

See you next week     :3

Change Log

Ok portraits are fixed (i made a basic algebra mistake :3)

Remage portrait atlas at correct scale

Fixed clipping hero atlas to wide(also my bad)

Fixed issue with texter atlas setters not being reset(my bad)

Fixed bug where enemies would heal heroes with high armor

Fixed bug i made causing heal and knockout to prevent heros from attacking


Page set to reddy for review took 5 hours lol

Started setting up steam page paid $100

Enemies with piercing now ignore hero armor

Hero armor now block damage

Heroes with piercing attribute now ignore enemy armor

Enemy armor now blocks damage

Heal shows up in combat log

Heal can bring back knocked out allies

Heal has green pop up text

The Clinicus hero class now has a 50% chance to heal allies

Removing some old unnecessary test messages

Fixed issue with music loading wrong


More art

Heroes no longer attack when knocked out

Added more text color, good for testing and player understanding

More enemy info


Fixed pause button text

Heroes now get rotated when heroes drop below 0 health 

Simplified some old code

Fixed hero state issue

Fixed sprite size issue

Fixed rotation issue issue 

Running into rotation issue not fun

Added more enemy info


Made some more names and flavor text before bed

Combat log now shows enemy names

All the level 1 forest enemies have there info and stats in time to move on for now

Grinding enemy info (still very slow)


Inputting enemy info (very slow)

I've come up with ideas to differentiate each class

All hero classes have been set up


Made more item sprites

Changing how heroes are generated

First part of combat is heroes so organizing hero classes

Added text for the first of each level


Ferulorum(V0.0.7) 39 MB
57 days ago

Get Ferulorum (Beta build)

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