Ferulorum(V-0.0.9) Particle System

I've given you a free image of a pangolin, repay me with a Wishlist at the link below - be good to the pangolin
Anyway very big week I got a lot of stuff done including lots of art and programming, unfortunately some time and efficiency was lost due to the holidays and me getting sick but that's just the way it goes (hope you all had a good Christmas)
The most important thing of all literally happened at the end of my most recent programming session (right before this devlog) and that is that I learned something about c++ that I have been wondering about since I started learning it. Its kind of embarrassing and I did try to find it out but didn't know what it was called so search engines were useless - so long story short going forward I will be able to program in a much more fast and dynamic way in all future projects (I have two in mind right now that I'm fighting the eager to start).
now the main goal of this week was making a particle system and luckily the first pass is done while its not very robust right now its a simple enough concept where I can just add more and more on to it as time goes.
I've been going pedal to the metal making as much art as possible this week and while much of it will go into this game I've got an idea for a future game that can reuse all of it , actually as I've learned more my mind is basically always running with ideas for new games and I basically have the next 3 planed out lmao (someone needs to come up with a game dev equivalent of having eyes bigger than your stomach).
This coming week I have one goal and that is to polish polish polish I want to release a betta and that's what I'm going to do I need to start getting feedback asap so I can judge if people will like ferulorum or if its too weird so im going to try to fix all the weird little bugs, add in more sound effects, balance enemys, try to balance the economy, set the max size for the hero team, put in the hero class text, and put in the story it will literaly just be some short text you can read.
Hope you all had a good week and another good one ahead.
Change Log -
Version 0.0.9
-i just figured out something with c++ that will literally make all projects going forward easier
-recorded a bunch of sounds for sfx
-spent morning on particle system, sdl rects don't take floats so im getting creative i have no idea if there's a word for what i'm doing. Probably stupid
-im using hero portraits as makeshift particles right now
-particles now spawn on heroes when enemies hit(they just sit there)
-increased the max number of pop ups(had a bottleneck only allowing 3 at a time)
-Quaestionarius gets a yellow skill pop up
-Clinicus gets a green popup on revival
-Scholae gets skill pop up yellow
-Hastiliarius skill gets a red pop up
-Magus skill gets a pop up
-Rorarii now gets popup on skill
-all pontifex buffs have yellow popup text
-Signifer makes red pop up over all enemies with skill(fixed small bug with this one)
-Sagittarii skill purple popup
-Velites skill getts a yellow pop up
-spread out heroes so there texters are not clipping in battle
-100% getting sick feel very bad
-finished all the enemies for the first level of each dungeon
-I misplaced a monster name in my list brutal
-just setting up enemies woke up late today
-enemy piercing attack now gets red pop up
-enemy attack now get red pop up text
-enemy misses now get red 0 pop up text
-white message when enemy pieces enemy armor
-white message when enemy hits hero
-white message when enemy cant get through hero armor
-red message when hero team is wiped out
-white message when enemy misses
-white message when hero dodges
-yellow message is made when hero gets protected from damage
-merry christmas
-happy new year
-made colors wrong might leave it i like them
-found a bug with color(fixed it)
-Quaestionarius stun now gets a purple message, stun makes enemy miss 2 attacks
-Clinicus also gets a special green message when heald hero regains consciousness
-Clinicus class now gets a green message when she heals
-Triarii class now gets a red message when he pieces the enemy armor
-Hastiliarius now gets a red massage for his double damage attack
-Magus now gets an extra purple message if enemy is weak to magic
-Magus now gets a purple message when he debuffs enemy
-Rorarii gets a red message if his double hit cant harm enemy
-Rorarii class now gets a red message for his double hit
-pontifex now gets yellow message specifies the stat he buffed to
-Signifer sweeping attack makes a red combat log
-arcuballista piercing attack now has a red message
-Velites attacks boost now generates yellow combat log
-buffs will be yellow, heals green, debuffs purple, magic blue, big attacks red, normal combat stuff white
-Combat log messages can now be colored
-starting to transcribe old bach songs for secret sound track(i cant read sheet music not going good)
-going to let the combat log run in real time players can pause combat to read
-Making it so that more actions have combat logs
-female portraits are in and working
-female portraits are ready to go in
Get Ferulorum (Beta build)
Ferulorum (Beta build)
Retro Fantasy Auto Battler
Status | In development |
Author | Narcitheus |
Genre | Simulation |
Tags | 2D, Atmospheric, auto-battler, Fantasy, No AI, Pixel Art, Retro, Singleplayer |
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