Ferulorum(V-0.1.0) Beta

Wishlist if you happen perchance coincidently just happen to be interested in my game sort of maybe -


Officially in beta, what does that mean exactly? I'm starting to actually make the game fun and worry about user experience. 

So my two big concerns right now are getting the player to understand what is happening and to also allow them to make decisions that can change the outcome of dungeon runs, also I'm trying to make stuff more juicy and interactive.

And right now  I'm trying to implement a message system that will tell the player what has happened and also guide them to the next step, so as an example when you start the game there's a message talking about the tavern hopefully this leads to players clicking on the tavern. Along with this I'm going to make it so that more relevant menus pop open like when you click on a hero to hire the deep info panel will pop open (right now hiring hero opens no menu so people hire one and it seems like nothing has happened).

As far as decision making goes I want the main challenge of the game to be putting together the right hero teams for dungeon runs using the random hero's they have available. I think part of this is solved through the dungeon combat log but also I need to find a way to show more info to the player and I'm not sure how yet. I think items will also be an important part of player decisions and I might work on that this week,

For making  the game feel better I have one main idea and that is making the enemy's much weaker so that the hero team kills more of them and having them explode when they die. I think in general making the game feel good is not a hard thing to figure out (make every player action have a reaction so the game feels tactile and alive) but it seems like it will be daunting.

Over all this week blew by I was sick, tired, there was a holiday I think, I was in a game jam for demos where I got some good feedback (that my game is broke and confusing) , and I made some good progress despite that. So all in all not bad

Hopefully this week is good and all of us  keep on trucking !

Change Log

-adding messages

-player message box implemented( hopefully i can use this to guide the player and inform them)

-you get your gold back when you fire a hero(this way players can fight bad rng)

-fixed the very buggy firing hero system(hopefully good now)

-pontifex buffs now last the whole dungeon(he will be the weakest hero for balance) 

-pontifex defence buff now works for all heroes is still pierced by armor piercing 

-all heroes dodge chance can now be affected by buff

-all armor piercing attacks now work with the pontifex attack buff

-pontifex attack buff now applies to normal attacks

-pontifex  nimble buff now lowers hero miss chance

-Quaestionarius skill chance effected by fortune and buff 

-fixed Clinicus bug causing her to revive allies even when there fine

-Clinicus skill chance effected by fortune and buff 

-Scholae skill chance effected by fortune and buff 

-Hastiliarius skill power now affected by pontifex buff

-Hastiliarius skill now buffed and effected by fortune

-Magus skill power now effected by spiritualism

-Magus skill now buffed and effected by fortune

-Rorarii skill attack now gets buffed

-Rorarii skill chance effected by fortune and buff 

-pontifex skill effected by fortune also his own buff

-Signifer skill now effected by attack buff

-Signifer chance effected by fortune and buff

-Sagittarii skill chance now effected by fortune and buff

-Velites skill chance now increases with fortune and pontifex fortune buff


-hero health now resets back to maximum when returning to town(bug caused by old code from when i didn't understand pointers)


-putting feedback into todo list

-I think i found issue with -fortune stat just removed it for now(hero buff application issue)

-fixing spelling mistakes(I was never good at spelling)

-made it so going back to town heals all heroes to max


-added text for item, armor, weapon


-female names are in and seem to work

-found a memory leak(small)(fixed)

-need to put together another todo list feeling aimless 

-fixed UI issue


-first pass at story in

-started adding stuff for story

-Literally just balancing enemies taking forever 


-labeling enemies to make organizing and balancing easier 


-tavern no longer clickable while higherable heroes is open

-replaced old logo

-class descriptions are in and seem to be working


DDhotFixZ.zip 39 MB
68 days ago

Get Ferulorum (Beta build)

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