Ferulorum(V-0.1.01) Items

Wishlist if your interested!  https://store.steampowered.com/app/3408900/Ferulorum/ 

side note - I started reading hunter x hunter because i got the first one for my birthday, that's some good stuff going to start buying one or two issues a week

Well it was a pretty good week the main goal was Items and I think I got the hardest part about them implemented aka applying the bonuses from the items to the hero's dynamically without any issues. All that's left for items is to put them all in the game, add selling and buying items, cap the maximum amount and balance them a little, all of which should probably only take one good day.

Another goal was trying my best to make everything more readable and understandable for the player and I've tried to achieve that by adding a little message box in the bottom left of the screen that acts as a mix of a guide and faq (I still need to add more messages). I also made it so that the different panels open when I think the player will need them, as an example when clicking on a higher able hero in the tavern instead of the hero manager just popping up the deep info panel also opens. I think my best achievement with readability in mind is the two info panels I added into the dungeon these both show hero and enemy heath and attack timers during battle. I got this idea from a demo day game jam comment where someone said they thought combat was broken because nothing was happening, now when combat is happening even if no attacks are being made the player can see the timers and know stuff is happening. Theres also extra room on the info panels but I'm not sure what ill do with it.

Next week the goals are clean up, hero levels, balancing, game feel, and hopefully saving player data (I have truly become a programming nerd this unironically is making me excited because I haven't done it before).

My stockpile of sprites grows bigger by the day though most of them will never go in ferulorum they will be used one day, something about this pixel art style is very relaxing and it gets my imagination flowing so I just keep making them. For some reason I keep thinking about making a game like the original xcom using them but I have to finish this project before I start the next one!!! :[

all in all a good week as always there were struggles and aggravations but things could be worse (not by much lol), so hopefully we all have a good week next week and we get lots of progress done.



Version 0.1.01

-added lots of info to dungeon panels so player is less clueless ( this was tedious)

-compacted dungeon path placement

-rearranged dungeon UI

-added two more panels to the dungeon for more player info

-clicking hero tags now opens the deep info panel

-item system is fully implemented and does not seem to have bugs( just have to add all items)


-first 7 items and there effects are working as long as hero has no item being swapped out

-fixed bug where magas was buffing enemy to immortality 

-just spent a long time looking for an issue(caused by my old code again)


-going to make it so only the worst weapon and armor show up in dungeons the rest must be bought( when shop is implemented)

-items that appear will be based on dungeon level

-Items do not appear in the first dungeon now

-changing the way items are generated for the dungeon to be like enemys

-changed way i initialize items


-started putting in more item names

-fixed enemy death particles (particle system will need lots of work)


-Tutorial level is now players first and only option once completed it unlocks the first level of all the other dungeons and disappears 

-green when you fire hero

-red cost popup text when you higher

-making it so enemies leave particles on death 

-buttons for heroes now look much cleaner

-fixed small memory leak

-trying to fix some issues with buttons


-i think it might be working

-working on making a tutorial level its taking a long time


-fixing spelling again 

-slowly making it so that buttons on panels are one light level higher for readability

-tweeking hero manager

-hero tags with a hero now tell you to embark

-empty hero tags now tell you to add heroes to team

-clicking on hero tag now hints that they should be added to the team

-adding a hero to the team now opens the embark panel 

-when you hire a hero it now automatically opens the highered hero menu

-the hero stats menu now also opens when you click an available hero

-add more player messages to hopefully guide the player to hire hero


FerulorumV0.1.01.zip 39 MB
59 days ago

Get Ferulorum (Beta build)

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