Ferulorum(V-0.1.03) Backend&Bugs


^ wishlist      o^o

This week was kind of boring I mostly fixed bugs and worked on backend stuff I seriously underestimated how hard balancing this would be but I'm slowly making progress, my main goal for this week was bosses and the first iteration of them is in. I decided that instead of randomizing them the player would fight the same two  in each dungeon so that if they beat the player there's a little bit of a rivalry and also  so I can really punish the player for bringing the wrong hero's. Along with this I also spent a whole day collecting sounds from around the house to make sound effects, I am considering using free sound effects from online if I cant make certain ones but I would prefer  to have them be handmade (organic made with love sound effects non GMO).

Next week Ive got my main goal set as players being able to sell items and also having a traveling shop show up to sell items, Im thinking the shop will show up every 3 turns forcing the player to plan ahead a little and make some hard decisions. I'm thinking that all but the worst weapons and armor will only show up in the shop making it more emotional/ beneficial when it shows up.

Thats all for this one I had to plow snow this week so I'm more tired than usual (I'm always tired) so hopefully next week is better, especially I need  to kick progress into high gear working on one thing for this long is making me seriously antsy .

hope you all have a good week.


Version 0.1.03

-collecting all the sounds I can for sound effects

-item bug fixed for real

-item bug not fixed


-limiting battle sound effects to one every half second to not blow out players ears

-made a half second timer (500ms) should be fps independent

-on misses and dodges a swish sound plays

-on normal hits a sword slash plays

-you now get a nice little gold jingle when buying and selling heros


-added hit, miss, and buy/sell sound effect

-Trying to balance enemies

-lowered gold drops

-fixed Clinicus overhealing


-leather glove set as weapon instead of armor fixed

-item bug found(think I found it)(i might have fixed it)

-instead of randomizing bosses each zone has a level 2,3 boss and 4,5 boss

-every dungeon over difficulty level 2 now has a boss

-printf issue fixed itself


-I think I fixed boss fight crash

-Every printf in my code just became an issue 

-boss combat causing crash

-first test boss is in

-expanded the dungeon path made it end at the far right ui edge


-working on boss monsters

-two more enemy teams in each dungeon

-lots of old code removed/ redundant making enemies is now much easier

-changing system that makes enemies


-updated the screen shots on the store page

-fixed visual bug with items

-added a few more descriptions

-added 10 more hero descriptions, many of these are references to other stuff, they need to give the heroes more personality and set mood


V(0.1.03)Z.zip 39 MB
45 days ago

Get Ferulorum (Beta build)

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